Quality education

Training Centers

Concept of the ESCI Training Centers

Better yourself onsite than virtually beside!


The ESCI has set itself the goal of promoting the successful use of ceramic implants and to impart knowledge about ceramic implants at the highest level by experienced specialists. To this end, the ESCI establishes certified and quality-oriented training and internship centres throughout Europe. Interested users should be given the opportunity to become familiar with the material zirconium and to learn the handling of ceramic implants on a scientific and clinical basis in a fundamental and comprehensive way.


The training centres have been selected and certified by the ESCI Scientific Advisory Board (“ESCI certified Training and Eduction Centre”). In accordance with the ESCI philosophy, guidelines and content are established as the “framework” for training in the centres. The aim is to ensure a uniform level of knowledge of the participants after completion of the courses in the different centres. The face-to-face courses are supplemented by internet-based further training in the sense of blended learning.

Registration and payment of the participation fees are made directly at the respective Training Center. ESCI members receive a member discount.

You can find our ESCI Training Centre here→ or on our Expertfinder→

please note:
Due to the Covid 19 situation, the course offers are currently only available to a very limited extent. However, the offers are constantly being adapted to the situation and supplemented

Training Center planned so far

Implant Dentistry Faculty

na Universidade de Lisboa

Rua Luciana Stegagno Picchio n° 1-8A
PT-1500 Lisbon

Prof. Dr. André Chen

Oralchirurgie T1

im Schäfflerhaus
D-80333 München

Prof. Dr. Gahlert und PD Dr. Röhling, GER

Zahngesundheit im Loretto

Hechinger Str. 67
D- 72072 Tübingen

Dr. Frank Maier

Medizinische Universität Graz

A-48036 Graz

Assoz.-Prof. DDr. Michael Payer

Universitätszahnklinik Wien GmbH

Sensengasse 2a
A-1090 Wien

Univ. Prof. Dr. Werner Zechner

Haranni Akademie

Schulstraße 30
D-44623 Herne

Dr. Kay Pehrsson

Studio dentistico Nannelli

Via Di Caciolle, 2/H
I-50127 Firenze


Dr. Michele Nannelli

Praxis für Mund-,

Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie

Neumarkt 36 – 38
D-50667 Köln


Dr. Dr. Thomas Mehnert