In the interest of zirconium dioxide as a material, the dental community and the patients concerned, an independent, non-profit, scientific professional association is needed to represent their interests and to give dental implantology with ceramic implants the acceptance and status it deserves today in implantology.
Up to now, no product-neutral, independent, non-economically oriented and democratically constituted professional association has been available in ceramic implantology. This gap has been closed by European Society for Ceramic Implantology – ESCI, which was founded in 2018 as a scientific and evidence-based interest group for implantology with ceramic implants with headquarters in Switzerland.
With the European Society for Ceramic Implantology – ESCI, implantology with ceramic implants has for the first time received a strong lobby. A strong community of scientifically recognized and renowned specialists, of interested and motivated members from dental practices and universities, of strong and quality-oriented company partners, as well as of intensive cooperation with other professional societies … all committed to one goal:
“The scientific production and dissemination of evidence-based and well-founded knowledge about dental ceramic implants for the benefit of our patients”
Our objective
The establishment of zirconium dioxide as a reliable material in dental implantology
Our vision
As a neutral and independent professional association, the ESCI’s goal is to establish dental implants made of ceramic material on a scientific and evidence-based basis as a reliable supplement and as a meaningful extension of the treatment spectrum alongside titanium implants for the benefit of our patients. We stand for this with our values: competence, trust and enthusiasm.
Our mission
Dental implantology with ceramic implants is currently one of the fastest growing, most research-intensive and innovative areas in dentistry. These developments have to be carried out and accompanied by the dental profession within the framework of a not-for-profit professional society, as the European Society for Ceramic Implantology – ESCI as a scientific society for dental implantology with ceramic implants operating throughout Europe, will do.
As a strong community, it creates the link between science and practice, it forms an international network of all groups involved in this field: scientifically recognized, experienced and renowned experts, interested and motivated users from practice and university, as well as competent and quality-oriented manufacturers and research institutes.
Our tasks
- We promote acceptance and trust for ceramic implants through objective, neutral and evidence-based information and communication with users and patients.
- We promote the international exchange of knowledge about ceramic implants.
- We support quality-oriented development and research in the field of surgical and prosthetic restoration with ceramic implants.
- We encourage and initiate research work on ceramic implants and arrange for publications on this topic.
- We promote further education on the subject of ceramic implants for the benefit of members and interested organizations.
Board of Directors of ESCI

Dr. Jens Tartsch
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- Study of dentistry, oral and maxillofacial medicine
at the Free University of Berlin, Exam 1992 - Independently established in own
Private practice Kilchberg/Zurich – Switzerland - implantological activity since 1992
- Member of the Board Swiss Society Anti
Aging Medicine and Prevention – SSAAMP - Main focus implantology with ceramic implants,
metal-free dentures, immunological aspects in ZMK medicine - international training consultant for
metal-free implantology and immunology - various publications on the subject of zirconium implants

PD Dr. Stefan Röhling
Vice President
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- since Jan 2017 – ITI Fellow
- since Nov.2014 – Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital Basel, Cantonal Hospital Aarau, Switzerland and Medical Care Center Lörrach, Germany
- 2013-2014 – Postdoctoral research fellow Department of Periodontics, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Texas, USA
- 2009-2013 – Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland
- 2007-2009 – AO Foundation, AO Research Institute; Tissue Morphology, Davos, Switzerland
- 2003-2009 – Study of dentistry at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany
- since 2006 – Experimental and clinical science projects on zirconium dioxide dental implants

Prof. André Chen
Member of the Board
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- Specialist in Oral Surgery – College of Portugal
- Postgraduate course in oral surgery (2008-2011- FMDUL)
- Alumni of the NYU College of Dentistry Implant Dentistry (2006-2008)
- NYU Continuing Education Oral Rehabilitation Program (2004-2006)
- Clinical Dental Research Program (2012 – Washington University – Seattle)
- Master of Science in bone regeneration (Msc-FMDUL)
- Faculty of Oral Surgery and Implantology FMDUL Since 2004

PD Dr. Frank Maier, MSc
Member of the Board
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- 1998 State examination at the Eberhard-Karls-University, Tübingen
- 2000 Award of the doctorate on the subject of “All-ceramic dental prosthesis” University of Tübingen
- 1998-2001 Assistant in the practices of Dres. Blind, Stuttgart, and Dr. Dr. Eiche, oral and maxillofacial surgery, Bad Cannstat
- 2000-2001 Structured advanced training in implantology under the direction of Dr. Ashok Sethi, Royal College of Surgeons, London
- 2001 Establishment in own practice in Tübingen with focus on implantology and prosthetic rehabilitation
- 2007-2009 Postgraduate course in oral implantology at the Steinbeis University Berlin/DGI
- 2016-2017 Postgraduate course in Periodontology at Steinbeis University Berlin/DGI
- Since 2005 International lecturer activity and publications on implant prosthetics, implant-abutment connection, causes of peri-implant bone resorption, double crown technique on implants, bone replacement materials, allogenic bone replacement, total rehabilitation, ceramic implants
- Since 2013 Member of the Board of Directors of the Gnathologisches Arbeitskreis Stuttgart e. V.
- 2014 ZZI-Award in the category “Best practical work
Scientific Advisory Board
The ESCI Scientific Advisory Board is composed of recognised experts and leading personalities in the medical and scientific environment of dental ceramics implantology. It advises the Board of Directors and, in its competent composition, stands for the scientific and international orientation of the ESCI. The Advisory Board meets as the “European Council for Ceramic Implantology” at least once a year and sees itself as an independent body of experts – any external influence on the decision-making of the body is excluded.
Tasks of the Scientific Advisory Board:
- To comment regularly on the professional and scientific performance of the ESCI,
- participate in an advisory capacity in the development of medium and long-term goals,
- promote cooperation with other partners,
- provide advice in the technical and scientific field,
- also offer technical advice to ESCI partners on request.
The members of the Scientific Committee are appointed by the ESCI Board for a period of four years. Membership of the Scientific Advisory Board is an honorary position subject to the rules of procedures scientific advisory board and the ESCI Code of Conduct.

Prof. Dr. Ralf-Joachim Kohal
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Dr. Ralf-J. Kohal is Associate Professor at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Center for Dental Medicine, Medical Center – University of Freiburg, Germany. He received his doctorate (Dr. Med. Dent.) in 1991 and was a visiting professor at the Department of Periodontology, University of Texas, Houston, Texas from 1993 – 1995. Dr. Kohal is Board Certified in Prosthodontics (DGPro) and has received certification in oral implantology (German Society of Implantology, DGI). In 2002 he received a lecturing qualification (Dr. Med. Dent. Habil.) in Oral Health Sciences from the University of Freiburg. His main interests are in the field of implantology (ceramic implant materials, guided bone regeneration, sinus augmentation, guided implant surgery) and prosthetics.

Prof. Dr. Jérôme Chevalier
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Jérôme Chevalier, born in 1970, is currently a full professor at the National Institute of Applied Sciences in France. After obtaining his doctorate in 1996 (Mechanical properties of zirconia of biomedical quality), Jérôme Chevalier first became a ceramics engineer in the Saint Gobain group, where he was responsible for R&D activities on biomedical applications of ceramics. In 1997, he became assistant professor at the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Villeurbanne, where he was appointed full professor in 2004. He is currently director of the materials science laboratory MATEIS (180 people). His research activities are focused on ceramics, from their processing to their mechanical and functional properties. He has published more than 180 international papers with a review process, 7 review papers in journals and encyclopaedias, 3 book chapters. He is co-author of 10 patents and his research has led to the commercialization of 6 medical products. According to Google Scholar, more than 8000 papers have cited his work. 45 of his work has been cited more than 45 times (h-factor equals 45). Jérôme Chevalier was a member of the ‘Institut Universitaire de France’ from 2009 to 2014 and is the editor of the Journal of the European Ceramic Society, the leading journal (IF 2.9) on ceramics, and the open access journal ‘Materials’ (IF of 2.8). He is highly recognized for his work on the mechanical and fatigue behaviour of ceramics, on the ageing process of zirconia-based ceramics and composites, and on bioceramics in general (ceramics for orthopaedic implants, frameworks for tissue engineering and dental ceramics). He has participated in numerous European projects on this topic, including a recent coordination (LONGLIFE, FP7 2012-2016). He has recently been awarded the prestigious “Medal of Innovation” by the CNRS and the “Sainte-Claire-Deville” medal by the French Society for Materials. He is a Fellow of the European Ceramic Society and a member of the Academy of Ceramics.
The 5 most cited works:
– Chevalier, J. What future for zirconia as a biomaterial? (2006) Biomaterials, 27 (4), pp. 535-543. Cited 833 times.
– Chevalier, J., Gremillard, L., Virkar, A.V., Clarke, D.R.
The tetragonal-monoclinic transformation to zirconia: Lessons learned and future trends
(2009) Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92 (9), pp. 1901-1920. Cited 635 times.
– Chevalier, J., Cales, B., Drouin, J.M. Aging of Y-TZP ceramics at low temperatures
(1999) Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 82 (8), pp. 2150-2154. Cited 465 times.
– De Aza, A.H., Chevalier, J., Fantozzi, G., Schehl, M., Torrecillas, R.
Crack growth resistance of alumina, zirconia and zirconia-cured alumina ceramics for joint prostheses (2002) Biomaterials, 23 (3), pp. 937-945. Cited 447 times.
– Chevalier, J., Gremillard, L. Ceramics for medical applications: A picture for the next 20 years
(2009) Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 29 (7), pp. 1245-1255. Cited 415 times.

Prof. Michael Payer
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since 2016 Deputy Head of the Clinical Department of Oral Surgery and Orthodontics at the University Clinic for Dentistry and Oral Health of the Medical University of Graz
since 2014 Associate Professor at the Clinical Department of Oral Surgery and Orthodontics of the University Clinic for Dentistry and Oral Health of the Medical University of Graz
10-12/2013 Research stay at the Clinic for Crown and Bridge Prosthetics and Materials Science at the University of Zurich, Switzerland (Prof. C Hämmerle)
09-11/2012 Guest-Professor at Prince Phillip Dental Hospital, Dept. of Implant Dentistry & Oral Rehabilitation, University of Hong Kong (Prof. NP Lang)
01-03/2011: Research stay at the Clinic for Oral Surgery of the Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf ( Prof. F Schwarz / Prof. J Becker)
since 04/2010: Lecturer at the Clinical Department of Oral Surgery and Orthodontics of the University Clinic for Dentistry and Oral Health of the Medical University of Graz
2009: DGI-APW Implantology Curriculum (Germany)
2005-2010: Assistant at the clinical department for oral surgery and orthodontics of the University Clinic for Dentistry and Oral Health of the Medical University of Graz
2003-2006: Doctoral studies in the medical sciences MedUni-Graz
2004-2005: Postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Cell Biology, Histology and Embryology, Center for Molecular Medicine, MedUni Graz
1998-2004: Study of dentistry at MedUni Graz
1998-2004: Zahnmedizinstudium MedUni Graz
2000: Research stay at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Pittsburgh (UPMC), USA
1994-2000: Medical studies at the Karl-Franzens University, Graz

PD Dr. habil. Dr. Michael Gahlert
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1980 – 1985 Study of dentistry at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
1985 Licence to practice as a dentist
1985 – 1987 PhD in the field of experimental microbiology
1985 – 1990 Assistant doctor at the Department of Oral Surgery at the University Hospital of Freiburg with further training in the fields of dentoalveolar surgery, periodontology and implantology, collaboration in the international team of implantology (ITI) under Prof. Gisbert Krekeler and Prof. Wilfried Schilli
1990 Recognition as dentist for oral surgery
1990 Joint practice with Prof. Dr. Dr. Heinz Kniha in Munich, focus on implantology and periodontology
1994 Member international team of implantology, ITI
1996 Member of the ITI Development Commission
1994 – 2003 Consultant for implantology appointed by mutual agreement
2001 Idea and conception of a ceramic dental implant made of zirconium dioxide
since 2002 Scientific project on zirconium dioxide implants at the Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Munich
2003 Lectureship at the Danube University Krems
2005 International patent special surface ceramic implants
2006 – 2010 Further scientific projects on ceramic implants and international publications
2011 Member of the medical faculty of the University of Basel, scientific collaboration at the High Tech Research Department of the Kantonsspital Basel under the direction of Prof. Hans Florian Zeilhofer, numerous publications and international lectures
2012 preclinical science project part 1 to investigate the biological width of ceramic dental implants compared to titanium implants in collaboration with the University Dental Clinic Bern, the High Tech Research Center of the University Hospital Basel, the Anatomical Institute of the University of Munich and the Medical Health Center San Antonio under the direction of Prof. Dr. David Cochran
2013/2014 preclinical science project part 2 for research into inflammatory changes in ceramic dental implants in comparison with titanium implants in cooperation with the University Dental Clinic Bern, the High Tech Research Center of the University Hospital Basel, the anatomical institute of the University of Munich and the Medical Health Center San Antonio under the direction of Prof. Dr. David Cochran
2015/2016 further international publications and lectures

Mutlu Özcan, Prof. Dr. Dr., h.c., Ph.D
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Mutlu Özcan has earned her Dentistry Licenciate in 1993 in Istanbul, Turkey, Dr. med. dent. degree in 1999 in Cologne, Germany. After working as an invited visiting researcher at the University of Turku, Finland between 2000-2002, she did her Doctorate in Medical Sciences (PhD) in 2003 in Groningen, The Netherlands and appointed to be a full professor for Clinical Dental Biomaterials at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands in 2007.
Since 2009, she is the Head of Division of Dental Biomaterials at the Clinic for Reconstructive Dentistry, University of Zurich, Switzerland. She also holds Honorary Professorship positions at various universities some of which are São Paolo State University (Brazil), University of Florida (USA), and University of Hong Kong (China).
She has authored more than 650 ISI Web of Science indexed original scientific and clinical publications, is a well-sought lecturer, receiver of several international awards, and serves for the editorial boards of numerous scientific journals.
She is European Prosthodontic Association (EPA)-recognized Specialist in Prosthodontics, Honorary Secretary of the EPA, Past-President of the International Association of Dental Research (IADR)/Dental Materials Group (DMG), Fellow of Academy of Dental Materials (FADM), Fellow of International College of Dentistry (FICD), and Fellow in Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, FDS RCPS (Glasgow).
Her clinical expertise is on reconstructive dentistry and her scientific work focuses on translational and clinical research with a particular emphasis on the development and application of dental biomaterials.
Prof. Özcan is the recipient of the prestigious “2018 IADR Distinguished Scientist Wilmer Souder Award”.
Her clinical expertise is in reconstructive dentistry and her scientific work focuses on translational and clinical research with particular emphasis on the development and application of dental biomaterials.

Prof. Corrado Piconi
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After his studies in Rome, he joined the Ceramic Technology Laboratory of the National Committee for Nuclear Energy (now ENEA), where he was involved in the characterisation of the thermophysical properties of uranium and plutonium oxides used as nuclear fuels. Since 1975, under agreements with the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA) and with AGIP Nucleare S.p.A., he has carried out studies on the behaviour of ceramic oxides as fuels for thermal and fast breeder nuclear reactors under nominal and non-normal conditions.
In 1989, following the moratorium on nuclear energy activities in Italy, he transferred the know-how and technologies of his research group to the development of ceramics for clinical applications, with particular emphasis on zirconia. He was head of the research group in the National Research Council’s Advanced Materials Programme and scientific coordinator of EU-funded projects. In 2000 he joined Tecnobiomedica S.p.A. as R&D project manager, where he worked on the development of medical devices for orthopaedic and cardiovascular applications. From 2005 to 2014 he was Scientific Director of the R&D facility MeLab of GHIMAS S.p.A. (Brindisi, Italy), where he developed dental implants using advanced ceramic composites and ceramic and polymer scaffolds for bone regeneration. Since 2000, he has been scientific consultant to the Medical Products Division of CeramTec GmbH.
In 1997 he was appointed lecturer at the Faculty of Orthopaedics of the Medical Faculty of the Catholic University in Rome, where he currently teaches at the Faculty of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. He is also Senior Associate Scientist at the Institute for Science and Technology of Ceramic Materials of the Italian National Research Council (ISTEC-CNR), Faenza.
Prof. Piconi is a member of the Italian Society of Biomaterials (SIB), the European Society of Biomaterials (ESB), the International Society of Ceramics in Medicine (ISCM), the Italian Society for Research in Orthopaedics (IORS). He is reviewer for several scientific journals. He is the author of more than 100 articles and book chapters, which had more than 8500 readings and more than 2500 citations by May 2018 (Research Gate).

Prof. Werner Zechner
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Deputy Head of the Department of Oral Surgery and Implantology at the University Dental Clinic (UZK) of the Medical University of Vienna (MUW), Chair of the UZK Working Group for Digital Dentistry.Private referral practice in 1190 Vienna with focus on augmentation surgery and template-guided implantation protocols. Active board member and former president of the Austrian Society of Implantology (ÖGI), the Scientific Advisory Board of the ÖGZMK (ZV Wien), scientific conference committee member of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO).
7 national and international scientific awards, author of over 60 peer-reviewed publications in international and national journals and textbooks. National and international lecturing activity at scientific conferences and hands-on courses. Research, teaching and lecturing activities as well as organization of international congresses and post-doctoral training events with the main focus on implantological augmentation techniques, peri-crestal bone changes and template-guided insertion of titanium and ceramic implants.

Prof. Jens Fischer
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1982 – 1984 Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Freiburg, Germany
1987 – 1990 Associate Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Freiburg, Germany
1991 – 1998 Manager Research and Development, Cendres & Métaux SA, Biel/Bienne, Switzerlan
1998 – 2005 Associate Professor and Lecturer, School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland
2006 – 2010 Associate Professor and Lecturer, Center for Dental and Oral Medicine, University of Zurich, Switzerland
2008 – 2010 Lecturer for Dental Materials, School of Dentistry, University of Freiburg, Germany
2008 – 2017 Business Unit Director vitaclinical, VITA, Bad Säckingen, Germany
2010 – 2020 Scientific Director, Division of Dental Materials and Engineering, Clinic for Reconstructive Dentistry, University Center for Dental Medicine Basel, Switzerland
2014 – 2020 Head of Research & Development, VITA, Bad Säckingen, Germany
since 07/2020 Lecturer for Dental Materials, University Center for Dental Medicine Basel, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland